Bit of free WiFi and the information you supply!

Photo by from Pexels

Everyone loves taking advantage of free wifi especially when your data is almost reaching its limit or being at a different country travlling and just want to check in for a qucik update and chat to your loved ones!

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Well soon enough we might be chatting with more chatbots with free wifi sign-ins before we can chat to our friends and family with that free wifi connection!

It is a new tactic that is rolling out to get more customer engagement! How so? as these free wifi log ins to collect greater data of their customers as these logins alone enables location based marketing. Once you connect to the free wifi you may be greeted with some short surveys, or a quick chat to bots for some general data collection.

why is it important and influential?

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These surveys are made to tailor for different company needs through the automatic popup page once the WiFi has been connected. As free WiFi usally requires users to provide their email or other details there is the first point of data collection. Now that we’ve got their contact details, companies can keep users up to date with events and promotions. Through the chatbot/mini survey personalised to be relevant to the business, customer has another point of interaction to provide quick feedbacks and contribute to greater collatable data – in particular location based marketing.

Using a combination of location based data and utilisation of artificial intelligence makes the interraction and customer experience with a simple WiFi connection a bit more memorable and interesting. A simple way for businesses to accquire more data to their digital marketing plans!

10 Replies to “Bit of free WiFi and the information you supply!”

  1. I do find myself sometimes putting in fake emails or phone numbers just to get access because I don’t want the spam associated!! Interesting read though it’s a good idea in theory I just wonder how effective it is 🙂


  2. I definitely take advantage of free wifi services as much as I can when I’m travelling. I honestly don’t mind filling in quick surveys or anything as long as I get my connection…!


    1. guess that’s where they get you since wifi is so valued when you are travelling haha but yearh a few survey ​for connections is a fair trade!


  3. free wifi is sooo helpful, but kind of scary that just by logging into it, you can be inundated with so many ads and surveys!


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